
Gasless Transactions

Attract a broader audience by removing the need to have gas to use your application. Engine offers multiple options for developers looking to sponsor gas for their users' transactions.

Use cases

  • Build an NFT checkout where the buyer is sent an NFT upon fiat payment.
  • Enable users to transfer an NFT to a friend or list an NFT on a marketplace.
  • Minimize friction by seamlessly managing transactions for players in a web3 game.


Here are several ways to offer gasless transactions to your users.

Send transactions with backend wallets

If a contract method can be called on behalf of a user, the simplest approach is to send the transaction from a backend wallet.


  • An NFT contract that can be claimed by a wallet and sent to another wallet.
  • An oracle where state can be updated by any wallet.

Send meta-transactions with relayers

If your contract supports meta-transactions, use Engine as a relayer to send meta-transactions that are signed by your users' wallets.

Learn more about relayers in Engine.

Send transactions with smart wallets

If your users have smart wallets, use Engine backend wallets to transact on behalf of smart wallets.

Learn more about smart wallets in Engine.